Janne Oestergaard Hagelquist is the author behind many Danish books about mentalization and mentalization based therapy (MBT). In 2015 her book The Mentalization Guidebook was published in danish and in 2016 the popular book was translated and released in english by Karnac Books

Mentalization with Neglected and Traumatized Children
Hagelquist, J.Ø. (2023).
The book Mentalization with Neglected and Traumatized Children shows how one can have productive and mentalizing interactions with neglected and traumatized children and adolescents, as well as how to apply the more current knowledge about mentalization and trauma in the treatment of these children
Who should read this book? If you’re a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, social worker, pedagogue, teacher, foster carer, or simply someone passionate about mentalization, trauma, and child development, this book is a must-read for you
Mentalization with Neglected and Traumatized Childre can be bought here: Routlegde

The Mentalization Guidebook
Hagelquist, J.Ø. (2015). The Mentalization Guidebook. Karnac Books.
The Mentalization Guidebook is a tool for professionals working with traumatised and neglected people who want to use mentalization in their work. The intention of the book is to show the best concepts, psychoeducation and tools of mentalization and trauma psychology. The purpose is to share those models and tools, along with the best tips and tricks that can be used in the daily practice working with mentalizing.The Guidebook communicates the mentalization subject in a way that is easy to follow and accessible to non-professionals and professionals alike. The illustrations help reduce the abstract content and perhaps excessive intellectualisation that can characterise the field on this subject to something that through the medium of visual presentation becomes immediately obvious and concrete for the professional and non-professional user.
The Mentalization Guidebook can be bought here: Karnac Books and Amazon

Mentalization in the Family
Hagelquist, J.Ø. and Rasmussen, H (2017). Mentalization in the Family. Taylor and Francis.
Mentalization in the Family draws upon the latest research on child development, parenting, and mentalization theory to provide a comprehensive guidebook for parents, teachers, social workers, and any professional working with families today.
The book explores key ideas central to mentalization – such as attachment style, internal regulation, emotional compass and parental navigation – But also offers practical guidance around issues such as play, siblings, boundaries and sexuality.
Accessibly written throughout and featuring pedagogical tools that bring the theory into life, this wide-ranging books will be essential reading for a range of professionals, from those working with foster families to teachers working with troubled or disruptive children. It also offers a way for parents to better understand themselves, their own parenting style, and the dynamics which make up family life.
Mentalization in the Family can be bought here: Amazon

A mentalization-based approach to healing children exposed to adverse experiences: Tools for residential care
By: Janne Oestergaard Hagelquist, Camilla Hamre Jensen and Heino Rasmussen (2023)
The article explains how to implement mentalization based theory in working with children and adolescents placed in day care institutions. The information contained in the article therefore serves as a tool to use when creating secure relationships with children who have suffered or are currently experiencing developmental trauma.This article offers practical models and tools as well as considerations on implementation that are beneficial and easy to apply, demonstrated through cases. The STORM model and “Obtaining Skills” screening tool may be helpful models for professionals addressing mentalization in children while working in challenging environments such as with traumatized and neglected children.

Mentalization-based principles within the organization: Elevated empowerment and lower depressive symptoms
By: Majse Lind, Janne Oestergaard Hagelquist and Heino Rasmussen (2020)