Watch a short excerpt from the video course here



Price: 10 Euro

Do you want to understand yourself and your teen better? Then this video course is for you.

In this video course, you have the opportunity to hear the renowned psychologist Sheila Redfern from the Anna Freud Center talk about teenagers. She does this based on her brand new book: How do you hug a Cactus? Reflective Parenting with Teenagers in Mind.

Among other things, Sheila has developed her own Reflective Parenting model to support mentalizing parenting, which you can hear more about in the video course.

  • Understanding Reflective Parenting: Learning about the approach and its implications for the parent-teen relationship.
  • Knowledge of the developmental changes that occur during adolescence.
  • Understanding Adolescent Risk Behavior
  • Help and advice to understand behavior as common in teenagers; e.g. lying to parents, the great need to fit in and the fear of falling outside the community.
  • Insight into the importance of mentalizing oneself and one’s own history as parents.
  • Concrete strategies to improve communication and strengthen the bond with your teenager.
  • Knowledge of how the principles of Reflective Parenting and mentalizing help shape the relationship with your child into adulthood.

The course is aimed at parents, educators, social workers, psychologists, therapists and anyone else who is in close contact with teenagers.

Duration: 41 minutes

Speakers: Psychologist Janne Østergaard Hagelquist and Dr. Sheila Redfern